Thursday, November 6, 2008

It Heppened AGAIN!

you all remember the post about Steve Daddy... well my friends it happened AGAIN!! it had been a long long long morning to work and i got to school and was in a rush to get to my class because i had to work so late! Walking towards me is a guy in a white hoodie and hat, he has the little soul patch just like the real Steve Daddy! i get excited to see my uncle so i make a B-line for him give him a playful punch in the arm when i realize this guy is not my uncle! i have never been given such a funny look in my life! So just like last time i said "sorry i thought you were my uncle" then he gave me an even stranger look and walked off! i have come to a few conclusions
1. I need my eyes checked.
2. There are a lot of guys walking around who look like the real Steve Daddy
3. The real Steve Daddy is hiring guys that look like him to run around campus and see how many times he can fool me!
Steve Daddy I'm asking you to please stop hiring those guys to walk around campus! This is getting out of hand! :]


Moto X Mama said...

Jade, just stop talking to people...that's what I do. This happens to me all the time.

The Queen Bee said...

LOL: You're too funny!

Doreen said...

Are they giving white hoodies away down there or what! I can feel your pain. I am constantly doing this sort of "foot in your mouth" maneuver.

Kent and Heidi said...

Don't worry Jade, it's not your fault. It is hereditary. All I can say is that I have done much worse.