My Grandpa Bronson has an apple orchard with 600 and some odd trees... So every year after the trees are pruned, the sticks are brought into his pasture and we have the biggest bonfire ever! Is alot of fun to see how big the fire gets and then run like crazy because you can feel the heat! We have almost burned down the neighbors barn and my grandpas barn and everything else that is in a 50 ft. radius! needless to say nothing crazy happened this time but we did let the 8-12 year old boys start the fire! GOOD TIMES! After we sit and watch the fire burn we go and have a family BBQ! Because you know us Bronson women like to eat, and it wouldn't be a family event if there was nothing to eat! :] This year was Willy's first year to see the fire. It was fun to show him what us small down people do for excitement! i cant wait til the next stick burning!
We don't look that close to the fire and the fire doesn't look that big but it was already starting to get hot on our backs!
We don't look that close to the fire and the fire doesn't look that big but it was already starting to get hot on our backs!
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