1. Show us the inside of something cute.

3. What do you miss?
Kenna Mouse 01/27/96 - 03/02/01

4. What makes you laugh often?
Ms. Madsy!

BYE in German! TSCHUSS!

Ms. Madsy!
5. What's your favorite word?
BYE in German! TSCHUSS!

6. What are you trying to quit?
Swedish Fish! I eat them daily!
and of course that whole online shopping... its KILLER!

7. What's your favorite commercial right now?
The cinnamon toast crunch where they eat each other! (the link wouldnt work!) :(
8. Whose style do you dig?
Lauren Conrad really you
cant go wrong with big sunglasses
over sized purses and skinny jeans!

9. Link to a great blog you've discovered lately...
The Pioneer woman, her stories are priceless!
10. Who's someone that inspires you?
This is a pic of me and my cousin Kat... even though im older then her I hope when I grow up I can be just like her! She is so creative and fun to be with and she does her own thing and doesnt care! she is wonderful!
11. A photo of the last happy mail you got :]
12. Something you've got lately?

13. What are you looking forward to?
HALLOWEEN!I wanna be tinker bell!

I was checkin out the monkeys
at the Zoo!
15. Recent Favorite Movie?
I loved Coraline. I loved the plot and
the imagination!

16. Something you're working on right now?
A HUGE scrapbook for Willys mom of what the whole 2009 year! Im in WAY over my head!
17. If a movie were made about you, who would play you?
Zooey Deschanel!

18. What gives you goosebumps?
19. Share a new obsession.
ELLE Magazine. i picked one up in Paris because it was the only one in english and i LOVE LOVE LOVE it!

20. What's the meaning of your life?