Friday, October 1, 2010
Welcome Home Elder Harris
Posted by Lady Jady! at 6:26 PM 1 comments
Labels: Welcome Home
Friday, September 24, 2010
Oh ya know... Just Cleaning The House!
My roommate Emily and I are... easily distracted. (: A few nights ago we went to Wal-Mart for some zip ties and came home with beautiful masks!
We got a little carried away in the Halloween section (: So to justify the best 5 dollars we ever spent we have been wearing them around the house... The first night we had them we watched prince of Persia in our living room... wearing our masks. Then next afternoon after we were both off work and we cleaned the house... wearing the masks. Ill tell you cleaning the kitchen was much more enjoyable while wearing our masks! Then we sat on the couch and tried to have a serious talk but we both kept busting out laughing because its just so hard to take each other seriously in these masks. We both agree and I'm sure you will to... BEST 5 BUCK EVER SPENT!!
Posted by Lady Jady! at 12:02 PM 0 comments
Labels: Best 5 Dollars Ever Spent
Friday, September 17, 2010
So Long Sweet Summa!
To say goodbye to summer Jake and I had one last campfire :] We roasted hot dogs and made smores! (for those of you who know me well you know I'm not a huge hot dog fan but something about sitting by the fire and eating a juicy delicious hot dog... MMM! Maybe its all the fire roasted goodness!
Not gonna lie I'm looking forward to fall! watching the leaves change and for it to cool down a bit but mostly I'm excited for the clothes! The cute jeans, flats and old man sweaters! mmmyes! :]
On another note...
I made a sign for my brother Matt's missionary homecoming.
Who says cheerleading is nothing you will use after high school?! Check out this KILLER sign I made with my mad painting skills I got from 4 years of making signs for EVERY school event! :]

Okay... so not the best picture but trust me the sign is AWESOME! :] haha!
Posted by Lady Jady! at 8:10 PM 1 comments
Labels: Hello Fall
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Jake & Jade

Posted by Lady Jady! at 12:36 PM 1 comments
Labels: Costco Love Story
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Holy Freaking Update Batman!
First off let me start by saying that my laptop is RIDICULOUS! It doesn't work for 6 months, I pay some guy to fix it he fixes it IO get it to my house it doesn't work. :( He comes out to my house tries to fix it and cant figure out what the problem is! Then about a week ago I moved and suddenly it works?! I don't get it either... But you wont hear me complain! :]
Shades! :]
Jake baby!
We have been together for almost 10 months and are just enjoying life! We have had alot of fun this Summer! We tubed the Provo river (a few times) Sooo cold but so fun! we have been hiking and swimming. Just staying up all night and sleeping all day! I love having him there. We have so much fun together and he always keeps me laughing!
Us at Cascade Springs
Till next time... which will be sooner because my computer works! :] :]
Posted by Lady Jady! at 8:51 AM 1 comments
Labels: Update my life
Friday, February 19, 2010
Lets Talk Updates for Twenty Ten...
-STILL haven't moved... For some reason there is a crazy hold up but... We are signing contracts on Monday! :] Cant wait to be roomies with Brit and Em! For now I'm still at the parentals but cant complain to much because I don't pay rent! Muahahaha!
-I have now been dating my Jake for about 4 months! :] I am really happy at how our relationship is working out. Both of our previous relationships were really routine, same thing every day and neither of us wanted that again. We don't see each other EVERY day, most days but not every day! :] I like that when I say tonight I'm going out with the girls he says mmk I'm gonna do blah blah. He just makes me really happy!

Jake & I doing what we do best... Being RAtards! ;)
Posted by Lady Jady! at 4:44 PM 1 comments
Labels: Twenty Ten